Note from LeftEast editors: This article is published in a collaboration with Eastern-European leftist media platforms ELMO – East Left Media Outlet.
A webinar hosted by the Transnational Institute (TNI) will address knowledge production in Eastern Europe by leftist organizations and it will be held on 21 October at 6PM CET. You can register here to attend.
Understanding Eastern Europe’s post-socialist situation from a left perspective has been a major challenge for left politics in the region in recent decades. TNI’s webinar will bring together speakers from organizations who produce knowledge from the left in Eastern Europe, to discuss how they address this challenge.
The speakers (among which are one of our editors and other ELMO members) will discuss organizational models they use to resist academic, political and market pressures, and how they combine the task of analysis with that of organizing and building social power.
Adela Hîncu and Mary Taylor (LeftEast)
Luba Kobova (Contradictions, Prague)
Anastasia Riabchuk (Commons)
Vladimir Simović (Center for Politics of Emancipation, Belgrade)
Maria Cernat (Institute for Social Solidarity, The Barricade, Bucharest)
Oleg Zhuravlev (Public Sociology Laboratory, Saint Petersburg)
Vitalie Sprinceana (Platzforma, Chișinău)
Kristóf Nagy (Working Group for Public Sociology Helyzet/Fordulat, Budapest)
In order to attend the event register here.
You can find the event on Facebook here.
“Producing knowledge from the left in Eastern Europe” is a part of a series of webinars organized by Transnational Institute. The series follows the publication of a new collection of East European new left perspectives on the region’s postsocialist transformation, and aims to the debate further on several key contemporary debate points. The next webinar is Decolonization and Eastern Europe (4 November).