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Why So Many Russians Believe Propaganda

Russian propaganda and the prohibition of humanism  Being a Russian living in Europe means having a mind filled with possibilities inadequate for the Russian context and cherishing an imperishable, naïve hope in resistance for a better future. People in the EU are calling on Russians to protest. However, the current conditions changed the meaning of […]

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Beyond Putin’s Propaganda, the Far Right Is a Major Problem in Ukraine

As Russian aggression continues in Ukraine, the media and Western leaders continue to downplay the danger posed by the very real existence of the country’s well-organized and armed Far Right.

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Gessen, My Critique, and the Polish Trap

Note from LeftEast editors. The present text is simultaneously published  in Polish in Kultura Liberalna. An earlier version of this text in English, including the author’s original letter to The New Yorker, used incorrect pronouns for Masha Gessen. The present text has been corrected. On Saturday, March 27, I first learned of a little controversy […]