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Why We Desperately Need Publicly Funded and Controlled Pharmaeutical Production: An Interview With Tim Joye

In this interview, Tim Joye discusses the importance of shifting from private pharmaceutical production to public ownership, emphasizing the need to regain control over medicines’ development and production, while also boosting the need for local production. Highlighting examples and challenges, it underscores the necessity for public alternatives to address pricing, shortages, and innovation in crucial […]

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Environmental Resistance to Corporate Raiding: Is Bosnia-Herzegovina Becoming One Big European mine? Part II

All around Bosnia-Herzegovina, ordinary citizens are mobilizing to fight industrial developments threatening to damage, or have already destroyed, parts of the environment where they live. There are the stirrings of a widespread movement to protect the environment in numerous local situations around the country. Environmental resistance has the potential to create what could become the […]

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Gas on Fire: the Romanian State for Sale

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article has been published in collaboration with the Balkan web-portal The original publication can be found here. On October 24, the Romanian Parliament voted a law that regulates the fiscal regime of the offshore gas exploitation in the Black Sea. It rules in favor of the gas companies that […]