An interview with G. M. Tamás by Jaroslav Fiala (A2 magazine) 1/You were writing on post-fascism. In recent years, the growing rise of nationalist and racist forces has taken place across Europe. What is your explanation for this phenomenon? The whole nature of European politics has changed after 1989: the two hegemonic blocs had […]
Tag: Hungary

Mariya Ivancheva interviewed Tamás Gerőcs and Tibor Meszmann about the post-colonialism film club of the Public Sociology Working Group ‘Helyzet’ on 18 February 2014, in Budapest. We are now at the Gólya Community Centre in Budapest. I would start with a question about how these three things, namely the Gólya (Stork) centre, the Helyzet (Position […]

Por gladisanarquica Entrevista a Csaba Jelinek, activista y participante del movimiento estudiantil en Budapest, acerca de las movilizaciones sociales que han acontecido en Hungría en el último tiempo, y particularmente lo referente a la participación y organización de las estudiantes. Gladys B. (GLAD) Budapest, Hungary. Puedes descargar la entrevista aquí…+ // Próximamente traducida al castellano The end […]

Interview with G. M. Tamás Your trajectory has been an unusual one: a dissident libertarian philosopher under Communism in both Romania and Hungary, who has emerged as one of the foremost left critics of the capitalist order in eastern Europe, and author of a striking set of essays on the historical and cultural legacies and contemporary […]
In December 2012 students started a series of demonstrations against recent government reforms of higher education. In Budapest and many other towns the students set up discussion forums, organized strikes, and occupied streets, squares and bridges. Besides the slowly reacting official national and local Student Union (HÖK, HÖOK), the newly organized Student Network (SN, HaHa) […]