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Gas on Fire: the Romanian State for Sale

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article has been published in collaboration with the Balkan web-portal The original publication can be found here. On October 24, the Romanian Parliament voted a law that regulates the fiscal regime of the offshore gas exploitation in the Black Sea. It rules in favor of the gas companies that […]

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Nationalism at the rescue of Macedonia’s Criminal Elites

The political temperature has been exponentially rising in Macedonia for some time now. It reached boiling point on March 1st when President Ivanov refused to grant SDSM (Social Democratic Union of Macedonia) the mandate to form a government. Neither the governing right-wing populist VMRO-DPMNE, nor the opposition party SDSM managed to obtain the majority necessary […]


Ukraine’s government bears more responsibility for ongoing conflict than the far-right

The question of autonomy in the Donbass has fractured the fragile coalition, but the government must start thinking of solutions – not point fingers at paramilitaries anti-autonomy protests in Ukraine (in pictures)   by Volodymyr Ishchenko The Guardian, 05.09.2015 Violence erupted outside the parliament building in Kiev this week during protests against constitutional changes which […]