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After the Elections in Germany: On Course to War, Austerity, and Xenophobia, and a Small Left Light of Political Hope

Germany faces its deepest political and economic crisis since reunification. The economy has not recovered from the pandemic, class stratification has deepened (almost one fifth of residents are on the brink of or below the poverty line), while increasing numbers mistrust democratic institutions, and authoritarian, extreme right-wing positions have become normalized. The late February parliamentary […]

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Volodymyr Ishchenko: “In case of disintegrating state institutions and a failing economy, Ukrainian nationalists will have strong opportunities to establish their power”

Sasha Yaropolskaya and Philippe Alcoy interviewed LeftEast editor Volodymyr Ishchenko, a Ukrainian sociologist who was an activist and participant in several left-wing initiatives in Ukraine before moving to Germany in 2019. Ishchenko currently works at Berlin’s Freie Universität, continuing his research into the Ukrainian revolutions, the left, and the political violence of the far right, […]

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Czechia: A Lucky Break from Populism?

While the defeat of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš at the hands of a right-wing coalition surprised everyone, the electoral results can hardly be heralded as the end of populism. They do mark the demise of the billionaire oligarch Babiš, but they also show how far the political scene has shifted towards xenophobic and authoritarian tendencies, […]