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Letter from Estonia: Why the Neighborhood Movement is Working in Tallinn

A little over a week ago, activists from a local neighborhood association had something unprecedented to celebrate in Estonia’s capital. Local residents, media and city officials were among the hundred or so who showed up to the event, which would have formerly belonged only to politicians, as members of Telliskivi Selts cut the ribbon and […]

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Fascism in Greece: hundreds of attacks, one political assassination and a socio-political deadlock.

It’s been more than a year (since the national elections of 2012) that an openly fascist – neonazi – nationalist organization, Golden Dawn, has risen to the status of a parliamentary party in Greece.  Golden Dawn is represented by leftover supporters of the military junta, encompassing admirers of the Nazis, even descendants, natural or ideological, […]

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“Syria doesn’t exist anymore. For us Syrians there’s no place to go back to.”

by Simina Guga and Vlad Petri  I opened my eyes and saw several women sleeping on the floor around me. I went out in the courtyard where the noise made by the airplanes and car engines was even louder. Everyone was asleep. I was in Syria, probably the most devastated country in the world at […]

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CALL FOR SOLIDARITY: STOP FAR RIGHT VIOLENCE IN UKRAINE! On September 11, another activist of libertarian student union “Direct Action” was attacked by three masked neo-Nazi. The  attack happened in Kyiv in a public place in the city centre.  Three thugs approached the activist and asked if he was gay.  Then the two offenders started […]

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A response to Mary Taylor

To your questions: 1) The parties of the ruling coalition, BSP and DPS, are the parties that most vehemently opposed the Gerb regime. BSP was the only consistent opposition in both ideology and practice, throughout the 2009-13 period. And since January 2013, DPS came out with the most vociferous critique so far against Boiko Borisov […]

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Syria and the Glass Bead Game

As the civil war in Syria has unfolded over the last two and half years while I’ve been teaching general humanities courses in Ankara, the one question I’ve heard most often from students cued into the conflict is, “what business does America have in Syria?”  It is an interesting question that, oddly, has not gotten […]

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Exploiting the Barbarians

Perhaps the most pointing allegory of unfreedom in liberal thought is the one that depicts the chained, immobilized body of a slave. The allegory of the chained slave simultaneously positions the “free” subject as a moving, mobile subject. In a similar manner, one of the main principles behind the implementation of the ‘European project’ – […]


Behind Russia’s Migrant Raids, a Vast Network of Bribes and Opportunism

In hopes of drumming up support among nationalist-minded citizens in advance of regional elections, police are conducting abusive crackdowns on immigrants. Shadows of people suspected of violating immigration rules in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013 (Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP) If the past week is any indication, the plight of Russia’s illegal migrants may be about to […]

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VIDEO: A talk with Sandro Mezzadra in Budapest

Interviewers: Raia Apostolova and Mathias Fiedler On June 22 a group of migrants declared a hunger strike in Munich, Germany. The strike struck at the heart of the European Empire which in the last decades has been the source of the migration policies responsible for the production and further reinforcement of the European Apartheid and […]

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Talk by Don Kalb: Socialism, Postsocialism, Neoliberalism – Interconnections in CEE

Within the framework of the summer school “Between (post)socialism and (neo)liberalism”, held in Sofia at the fridge & Xaspel, on July 21st Prof. Don Kalb (Central European University, Budapest) gave a talk on the topic “Socialism, Postsocialism, Neoliberalism – Interconnections in CEE”. The talk was held in a dialogue with Volodymyr Ischenko (Ukraine) and Florin […]