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Drowning in debt: On neoliberal austerity in Serbia and how to fight it

Serbia is officially bankrupt. We cannot, so Aleksandar Vučić,  First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, claims, keep spending more than we earn “or we will swallow ourselves whole”. The fault, so goes the story, lies in the economic policy pursued over the past 13 years since the fall of the Milošević regime by all previous […]

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The Austrian Election: No Change?

The Austrian elections effectively brought no changes. Basically, everything ended up as before, with the Social Democrats (SD) winning with 26.8% of the vote and the conservative Peoples’ Party (PP) and the right wing Freedom Party (FP) ending up second and third (with 24% and 20.5% respectively). The Green Party (GP) finished a disappointing fourth, […]

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The Sunset of Greek Democracy

International mass media has welcomed the arrests and jailing of the leadership of the Golden Dawn fascist political party represented in Greek Parliament.  The majority of the Greek population, including the one million immigrants, has approved this move as well. Without a doubt, Golden Dawn was and is a fascist organization of the worst kind, […]

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A Crucial Romanian Autumn

For over a month tens of thousands of people took the streets in the major cities of Romania. They protested against the project of an opencast mine in Roșia Montana, a small mining town located in the Apuseni Mountains. In the making for almost 15 years, the project is mired in controversy. Not only that […]

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Only Memories and Emptiness Remain: The History of Ulcinj’s Afro-Albanian Community in Montenegro

By the beginning of the Cretan War in 1650, Ulcinj had become a significant trading post for Christian slaves. These slaves were brought to Ulcinj after being captured by local pirates on the shores of Italy and Dalmatia, but also from other parts of the Ottoman Empire. Ulcinj had gradually displaced Herzeg Novi, which had […]


From the Trial of Antifascists to a Murder by Fascists

The trial of Savvas Michael-Matsas, General Secretary of the EEK (Workers’ Revolutionary Party), and of Konstantinos Moutzouris, former Rector of the National Technical University of Athens, took place on 3-4 September 2013. The lawsuit was submitted by the Nazi ‘Golden Dawn’ Party on 8 May 2009 and was promoted by the Greek ‘democratic’ State and […]

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Merkel’s Pyrrhic victory: the end of the „conservative-bourgeois“ neoliberal model? Will the loss of the FDP tear Germany’s conservative union of pragmatism and populism asunder?

Germany has gone to the polls and has given the Conservative alliance between Chancellor Merkel’s CDU and Bavarian Prime Minister Seehofer’s regional sister party CSU a whopping majority; but for the German right as a whole it is a Pyrrhic victory. The electorate has in essence voted against the incumbent „black-yellow“ (i.e. Conservative-bourgeois) coalition and […]


On ­­the left and on ­the up

The blog Fent és lent [Above and below] began as a platform for the left-wing, patriotic movement 4K!. While it has since made itself independent from 4K!, it retains close links with the movement. Its contributors comment on national and international politics, as well as urban topics. The idea is to change Hungarian society on […]

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Letter from Estonia: Why the Neighborhood Movement is Working in Tallinn

A little over a week ago, activists from a local neighborhood association had something unprecedented to celebrate in Estonia’s capital. Local residents, media and city officials were among the hundred or so who showed up to the event, which would have formerly belonged only to politicians, as members of Telliskivi Selts cut the ribbon and […]

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Fascism in Greece: hundreds of attacks, one political assassination and a socio-political deadlock.

It’s been more than a year (since the national elections of 2012) that an openly fascist – neonazi – nationalist organization, Golden Dawn, has risen to the status of a parliamentary party in Greece.  Golden Dawn is represented by leftover supporters of the military junta, encompassing admirers of the Nazis, even descendants, natural or ideological, […]