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The neoliberalization of Albanian higher education

One of the last public strongholds to be taken and transformed along neoliberal lines has been higher education. First introduced in Chile, and afterwards in other Latin America countries, these reforms are about to be experimented on even in Albania. Coming from a Stalinist socialist past, since the nineties Albania has been one of the […]


Rather the Useful Idiot

by Gavin Rae Note from the LeftEast editors: this article was officially published on the author’s blog Beyond the Transition. The images from Odessa were truly horrific. Burnt corpses, a strangled pregnant woman, people jumping out of windows to their deaths. Yet perhaps the most disturbing of them all was the scene where a group […]

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The Soma tragedy: Kadere karşı / Against Fate

Note from the LeftEast editors: this text is also published by the Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle Eastern Conflict. My class yesterday began with something close to an apology from me for holding the class at all.  Times like this can make anyone engaged in intellectual work feel inadequate.  To some it seems […]

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The Bulgarian “creative class” and the reproduction of neoliberal ideology

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article has been published in cooperation with the Balkan web-portal Bilten.Org. It can be read in Serbo-Croatian here. The number of cognitive workers in Bulgaria has been on the rise over the last years with the newly outsourced contact/call/logistics centers, telecommunication firms and IT support and development. By the end […]


Will social protest be able to unite Ukraine after the Maidan protests?

Results of protests and repressions monitoring conducted by the Centre for Society Research (   On April 29th at a press conference in the UNIAN information agency, sociologists from the Centre for Society Research, supported by the International Renaissance Foundation, presented the results of protests, repressions and concessions monitoring in Ukraine in 2013.   The […]




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Tsipras in Italy

by George Souvlis & Tania Toffanin The British historian Perry Anderson in an account[1] of the trajectory of the postwar Italian Left used this title, without a question mark, in order to criticize its political presence during the “Second Republic”. The epicenter of his criticism was the inability of the Italian Left to articulate an […]


Circling the Square: Maidan & Cultural Insurgency in Ukraine (Cicada Press)

Circling the Square, an issue of the NYC-based arts imprint Cicada Press, documents the landscape of the recent uprising and the political climate that engendered it from many perspectives, ranging from an architectural analysis of Maidan, to documentation of an overtly criminal personal performance of solidarity in the Russian Federation, to an account of the […]

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The “refugee”: Bulgaria’s apocalypse surplus. Is resistance possible? (part 2)

Note from the LeftEast editors: This text is the second part of last week’s article The “refugee”: Bulgaria’s apocalypse surplus. Having explored the restrictions for migrant mobility in and out of Bulgaria, the humiliating camping conditions for refugees in Bulgaria, and the complicity of the Bulgarian state in the production of such practices, in the present text Raya […]

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Procreation and Protest: Bulgarian Capitalism’s Children

  On November 12, 2013 a picture of a 15 year old girl, crying and agonizing in front of a Bulgarian police officer, was carried by social media and hit the international info exchange. She quickly became the poster girl of attempts to topple the BSP-led “left” government. It was a moving image of teenage […]