“Even the Prime Minister Vučić admitted that Tsipras is more popular in Serbia than him. The political climate is changing rapidly. This is a chance that we are not planning to waste.” Matija Medenica is a sociologist from Belgrade and member of Marks21 and the Left Summit of Serbia. 1. What would it take […]
Category: Insert
by Nick Evans. Originally published at RS21. Students took over SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje yesterday (11 February), declaring it an ‘autonomous zone’ under ‘student control’. This is the latest phase in a growing student movement: there have been large protests since November of last year against a planned law that will make […]
Source: Corporate Europe Civil society groups denounce “regulatory cooperation” in the TTIP negotiations as a threat to democracy and an attempt to put the interests of big business before the protection of citizens, workers, and the environment. TTIP: Regulatory cooperation is the ultimate tool to prevent or weaken future public interest standards for citizens, workers, […]
by Theodora Vetta & Anastasios Grigorakis, original source FocaalBlog Thessaloniki, 21 January 2015. Since the announcement of the Greek elections, Greece has once again become the center of global attention. We know that just by watching the news on Greek TV channels. We learn bits and bytes about the discussion that has opened around possible scenarios […]
source: Marks21, Serbia Statement of the revolutionary socialist organisation Marks21 in Serbia (in Serbian ovde) In the past week, a dramatic struggle has been fought over the mine of Trepča. Trepča is a lead, zinc and silver mine. In the time of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, it was one of the main producers of […]
Research Paper Series of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe No.1 In autumn 2013, Romania witnessed some of its biggest post-1989 protests. From September to about early December tens of thousands of people took to the streets in major cities of Romania. The reason was the project of an opencast mine in Roșia Montana, a small […]
Who Is Behind the Trotskyist Conspiracy? Ilya Budraitskis, a historian, researcher and writer November 21, 2014 Russian original on OpenLeft.ru/ Translated by TheRussianReader Speaking at a meeting of his All-Russia People’s Front a couple days ago, Vladimir Putin said, “Trotsky had this [saying]: the movement is everything, the ultimate aim is nothing. We need an ultimate […]
Point of No Return
by Marina Antić Source: Titoland 2.0 January 2, 2015 Yesterday, an 82-year old man shot himself on the steps of the RS Presidential Palace in Banja Luka, without a doubt for reasons all too well known to the Bosnian seniors: monthly pensions averaging at about 300KM, expensive medicines, food and shelter, and little help from […]
Not only that Eastern Europe has been throughout the post-socialist transition the new playground for innovative state policies fashioned in the interest of capital and Western geopolitical dominance, as well as the new resource fields for converting labour power into cheap labour. The emergence of the conflict in Ukraine, ending the explosion since 2012 – […]
by ROAR Collective on December 11, 2014 After a month on hunger strike and weeks of solidarity protests, the anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos is finally granted his demands by the government. By Foula Farmakidis, Spyros Marchetos and Christina Laskaridis Tides of relief emanated from Greece on Wednesday, when the anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos ended […]