All posts ELMO Series: Gig Work in CEE’s Platform Economy

Online discussion about platform work in East-Central Europe

On 28th June at 7 pm CEST time, East Left Media Outlet – ELMO invites you to participate in an online roundtable about platform-based gig work in Central Eastern Europe. The event will be live-streamed on the organizers’ Facebook pages and you can also join the Zoom meeting here: (meeting ID: 965 9280 4162). The […]

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Democracy without Consequences? From Catch-Up Modernization to Precipitous Radicalization

This text was originally published in German as a contribution to the Berliner Gazette’s BLACK BOX EAST series. It is based on a conversation that BG’s editorial team had with historian Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk. You can find more texts, works, and conference information on the English-language BLACK BOX EAST website. Reunification took place in accord with the classic pattern of […]

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There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth: Experiences of people on the move on a new (iteration of the) Balkan route through Romania

With the increasing militarization of the Croatian-Bosnian border and in an overall hostile environment towards migrants, the Balkan route has been shifting in recent months towards Romania. Since October 2020, there has been a sharp increase in the number of people crossing the border in Serbia and ending up in or around Timişoara, the largest […]

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What Is the Hungarian “Pedophilia Act” and What Is behind It?

On June 10, 2021, the Hungarian parliament made public the contents of a proposed “Pedophilia Act,” to be voted on less than a week later, on June 15. The bill has caused general outrage among national and international human rights organizations. Considering the name under which that bill was circulated, it might sound surprising that […]

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Lithium Exploitation in Serbia: What Can We Learn from Superman?

This article was originally published by Mašina. It was translated by Iskra Krstić as part of a cooperation between Eastern European leftist media platforms in ELMO (East Left Media Outlet). Is lithium indispensable for green transition or could it simply stay in the ground? Lithium is considered to be a chemical element of the future, crucial […]

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The role of Chinese capital in the present Hungarian regime of accumulation: A context to the present political controversy over the Fudan University

Recent Chinese investments in Hungary have made waves in the international liberal press as part of Transatlantic narratives of hegemonic anxiety. These see Hungary’s “democratic backslide” and “flirtation” with Russia and China in the context of a new Cold War imaginary, defined through Huntingtonian characteristics of politico-cultural belonging. These interpretations have recently found their perfect […]

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Red-Green Political Platform Wins Local Elections in Zagreb

Note from LeftEast editors: this post was first commissioned by French Left publication Contretemps, and you can read it on their website in the translation of Celine Cantat. To update the discussion on Zagreb je Naš/Možemo!, in the local elections held on 16 May 2021, the left-green coalition won 40.8% of the votes and 23 […]

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[E.A.S.T.] Stop the Fascist Attacks against LGBTQI+ People in Bulgaria!

Note from LeftEast editors: Towards the transnational mobilization on July 1st against the attack on the Istanbul Convention and the patriarchal backlash that is hitting women and LGBT+ people all around the world, we republish a text which first appeared on the website of the platform Transnational Social Strike (TSS). The text, written by Stoyo Tetevenski, member […]

All posts ELMO Series: Gig Work in CEE’s Platform Economy

“You don’t own a business; you own a bike or a Suzuki” — the realities of forced self-employment

This article was originally published in Mérce and was translated by Noémi Bíró. It is part of a series by ELMO (East Left Media Outlet). In honour of the international labor day, May 1st and May as a month dedicated to workers’ struggles, this article is part of an ELMO series titled “Gig work in […]

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The swan song of social democracy in the Czech Republic

Note from LeftEast Editors: An earlier version of this article was published in French by Courrier D’Europe Centrale. Ahead of the October 2021 elections, the Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) is heading into the dustbin of history. ČSSD has been the historic party of the Czech left since the late 19th century. It now finds itself slowly […]