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Sometimes a Plenum is Just a Plenum: The Role of Intellectuals in Media Coverage of Bosnian Protests (part 1)

“Always bear in mind that the people are not fighting for ideas, for the things in anyone’s head. They are fighting to win material benefits, to live better and in peace, to see their lives go forward, to guarantee the future of their children.” –Amilcar Cabral Reading the news tonight (Feb 14), you could perhaps glean […]

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Ukraine’s protest movement: the far-right in focus. An interview with Tetiana Bezryk

An interview of James Robertson with Tetiana Bezryk. 1.In the past few weeks we’ve seen the government make significant concessions to the protests – the repeal of the anti-protest laws and the resignation of Prime Minister Azarov. Why has the government decided to make these compromises? Does this have anything to do with the recent […]

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The Ethnic Composition of the Turkish Working Class

A note from the editors of LeftEast: This is the third article on Turkey we have published over the last two weeks. With this series, we wish to introduce our readers to the dynamics of Turkish society beyond the Gezi protests and to expand our traditional geographical coverage to other zones of peripheral capitalism. To […]

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An open letter to the International Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina

An open letter to the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, signed by 130 academics and scholars from around the world. A shorter version of the letter appeared on The Guardian.   For more than two decades, the international political community has viewed, interpreted, and acted upon the political landscape in Bosnia and Herzegovina almost […]

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Ukraine’s Protest Movement: Is a ‘Left Sector’ Possible?

Political analysis from Ilya Budraitskis written as he visited Kiev in the midst of revolution. Back in mid-December, our estimate of Ukraine’s political crisis as a “revolutionary situation” resulted in a lot of critical reviews.  Further, the use of the word “revolution” in the context of Ukraine was condemned as a kind of sacrilege, because […]

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The People’s Uprising: A Break with Dayton Bosnia?

War has returned to the cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Not the nationalist wars of partition of the 1990s, or the cold war of nationalist politicians within an ethnically divided federation presided over by a colonial style High Representative of the Great Powers, but a social war, an uprising of the people. Beginning with the […]

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List of Demands by Sarajevo and Bihac Protestors

SARAJEVO PROTESTORS Regarding yesterday’s protests across Bosnia and Herzegovina and the media’s attempt to discredit this justified rebellion, this informal group of citizens and protest participants repeats our demands to the government. IN THE NAME OF CITIZENS ON THE STREETS OF SARAJEVO We declare: We, the people who went out onto the streets of Sarajevo […]

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Declaration by Workers and Citizens of the Tuzla Canton

DECLARATION 7 February 2014. Today in Tuzla a new future is being created! The [local] government has submitted its resignation, which means that the first demand of the protestors has been met and that the conditions for solving existing problems have been attained. Accumulated anger and rage are the causes of aggressive behaviour. The attitude […]

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Shrouds and Power, or what does the corruption scandal mean for Turkey? (part 2)

A note from the editors of LeftEast: This is the second of a number of articles on Turkey we will be publishing over the next two weeks. With this series, we wish to introduce our readers to the dynamics of the Turkish society beyond the Gezi protests. We will do that through the discussion of […]

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In Austria right wing extremism is having a ball

It is a sad fact that each year right-wing student fraternities, the Burschenschaften, are allowed to hold a ball in Hofburg, which has grown into a major event on the yearly calendar of the Austrian and the wider European nationalist right. For all those not familiar with all of Austrian or German history, these student […]