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Elections without Politics – the conjuncture in Kosovo

Note of the LeftEast editors: this article was published in cooperation with the Serbo-Croatian web-portal Bilten.Org – original source. The Republic of Kosovo never ceases to be the country of interesting developments. By interesting developments I mean those kinds of events which put the people in a state of perplexity and uneasiness. This was also […]

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Did Somebody Say Ethnic Partition? A Critique of Žižek on Kosovo and the Balkans (Part 3)

Notes from the LeftEast editors: This is the second out of four parts of the article of Dragan Plavšić, which offers a critique of the recent book of Slavoy Zizek and Agon Hamza “ “From Myth to Symptom: The Case of Kosovo”. The first part of the article can be read here, and the second here, and the last […]

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Did Somebody Say Ethnic Partition? A Critique of Žižek on Kosovo and the Balkans (Part 2)

Notes from the LeftEast editors: This is the second out of four parts of the article of Dragan Plavšić, which offers a critique of the recent book of Slavoy Zizek and Agon Hamza ” “From Myth to Symptom: The Case of Kosovo”. The first part of the article can be read here, the third one here, and […]

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Zimmerwald 2014: “Stop the War in Ukraine!”

Note from the LeftEast editors: A gathering of leftist activists from Ukraine, Russia, and Belorussia that took place in Minks, June 7-8, issued the following resolution: We, the participants of the meeting of activists from left and Marxist groups and organizations from Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, believe that ceasing the civil war in Ukraine is […]

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Did Somebody Say Ethnic Partition? A Critique of Žižek on Kosovo and the Balkans (Part 1)

Notes from the LeftEast editors: This is the first out of four parts of the article of Dragan Plavšić, which offers a critique of the recent book of Slavoy Zizek and Agon Hamza ” “From Myth to Symptom: The Case of Kosovo”. The second part of the article can be read here, the third one here, and the last […]

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European Elections in Poland Confirm the Dominance of the Right

The 2014 European elections have confirmed a number of trends in Polish politics. These include a general disillusionment with the political establishment; the dominance of the right in party politics and the weakness of the left in countering this right-wing hegemony. It is hard for any party to claim victory in an election where over […]

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What’s ‘Left’ in Ukraine? A Discussion (audio)

Note from the LeftEast editors: this is a recording from the public talk and open discussion on the Left in Ukraine, which took place at Kisüzem in Budapest, Hungary, on Saturday, May 31. The speakers (in order of appearance were Margaryta Rymarenko, Volodymyr Artukh, and Professor Don Kalb. The recording was made by the team of Budapest’s […]

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“The revolutionary process in Ukraine is not over yet”. An interview with Neil Davidson.

Note from the LeftEast editors: this interview is published in cooperation with the Ukrainian journal Спільне/Commons: Journal of Social Criticism. Questions were asked by Yuriy Dergunov. They were sent on February 28 and replies were received on May 2, 2014. Neil Davidson is a Scottish historian and sociologist, a lecturer at the School of Social […]

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The neoliberalization of Albanian higher education

One of the last public strongholds to be taken and transformed along neoliberal lines has been higher education. First introduced in Chile, and afterwards in other Latin America countries, these reforms are about to be experimented on even in Albania. Coming from a Stalinist socialist past, since the nineties Albania has been one of the […]

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The Soma tragedy: Kadere karşı / Against Fate

Note from the LeftEast editors: this text is also published by the Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle Eastern Conflict. My class yesterday began with something close to an apology from me for holding the class at all.  Times like this can make anyone engaged in intellectual work feel inadequate.  To some it seems […]