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Bio-austerity and Solidarity in the Covid-19 Space of Emergency – Part 2

All pictures by Michele Lancione. Published first in: Society + Space Magazine (, republished here with the authors’ permission. On circulation and solidarity Twenty-four, twenty-four hours to go, we want to be instructed While it may appear that we have paid insufficient attention to the real dangers of the crisis underway thus far, we want […]

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Bio-austerity and Solidarity in the Covid-19 Space of Emergency – Part 1

The essay will unfold in two parts. The first focuses on what we call bioterity, the ways in which the war against the virus extends austerity regimes into the very biological mechanisms of human existence, and where these mechanisms’ legitimate existence become further removed from a discernible social life. The current mode of governing the crisis in Italy will serve as the primary means to elaborate this notion.